primary support | partial support | shared experimental facilities
Primary Support, 2014
Basu, A., Xu, Y., Still, T., Arratia, P.E., Zhang, Z.X., Nordstrom, K.N., Rieser, J.M., Gollub, J.P., Durian, D.J. and Yodh, A.G. Rheology of soft colloids across the onset of rigidity: scaling behavior, thermal, and non-thermal responses. Soft Matter 10, 3027-3035, doi:10.1039/c3sm52454j (2014).
Dingal, P.C.D.P. and Discher, D.E. Material control of stem cell differentiation: challenges in nano-characterization. Curr. Opin. Biotech. 28, 46-50, doi: (2014).
Ferrier, R.C., Lee, H.S., Hore, M.J.A., Caporizzo, M., Eckmann, D.M. and Composto, R.J. Gold nanorod linking to control plasmonic properties in solution and polymer nanocomposites. Langmuir 30, 1906-1914, doi:10.1021/la404588w (2014).*
Greybush, N.J., Saboktakin, M., Ye, X., Della Giovampaola, C., Oh, S.J., Berry, N.E., Engheta, N., Murray, C.B. and Kagan, C.R. Plasmon-enhanced upconversion luminescence in single nanophosphor-nanorod heterodimers formed through template-assisted self-assembly. ACS Nano 8, 9482-9491, doi:10.1021/nn503675a (2014).
Huang, Y.-R., Park, J.T., Prosser, J.H., Kim, J.H. and Lee, D. Multifunctional all-TiO2 Bragg stacks based on blocking layer-assisted spin coating. J. Mater. Chem. C, doi:10.1039/c3tc32031f (2014).
Jeong, J., Davidson, Z.S., Collings, P.J., Lubensky, T.C. and Yodh, A.G. Chiral symmetry breaking and surface faceting in chromonic liquid crystal droplets with giant elastic anisotropy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 11, 1724-1747, doi:10.1073/pnas.1315121111 (2014).
Jeong, J.W., Han, G.H., Johnson, A.T.C., Collings, P.J., Lubensky, T.C. and Yodh, A.G. Homeotropic alignment of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals using noncovalent interactions. Langmuir 30, 2914-2920, doi:10.1021/la404893t (2014).
Keim, N.C. and Arratia, P.E. Mechanical and microscopic properties of the reversible plastic regime in a 2D jammed material. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 028302, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.028302 (2014).
Li, W.B., Fan, H.Y. and Li, J. Deviatoric stress-driven fusion of nanoparticle super lattices. Nano Lett. 14, 4951-4958, doi:10.1021/nl5011977 (2014).
Li, W.B., Qian, X.F. and Li, J. Envelope function method for electrons in slowly-varying inhomogeneously deformed crystals. J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 26, 455801, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/26/45/455801 (2014).
Lohr, M.A., Cavallaro, M., Beller, D.A., Stebe, K.J., Kamien, R.D., Collings, P.J. and Yodh, A.G. Elasticity-dependent self-assembly of micro-templated chromonic liquid crystal films. Soft Matter 10, 3477-3484, doi:10.1039/c3sm53170h (2014).
Lohr, M.A., Still, T., Ganti, R., Gratale, M.D., Davidson, Z.S., Aptowicz, K.B., Goodrich, C.P., Sussman, D.M. and Yodh, A.G. Vibrational and structural signatures of the crossover between dense glassy and sparse gel-like attractive colloidal packings. Phys. Rev. E 90, 7, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.90.062305 (2014).
Magagnosc, D.J., Kumar, G., Schroers, J., Felfer, P., Cairney, J.M. and Gianola, D.S. Effect of ion irradiation on tensile ductility, strength and fictive temperature in metallic glass nanowires. Acta Mater. 74, 165-182, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.04.002 (2014).
Majkut, S., Dingal, P.C.D.P. and Discher, D.E. Stress sensitivity and mechanotransduction during heart development. Curr. Biol. 24, R495-R501, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.04.027 (2014).
McDaniel, J.R., Weitzhandler, I., Prevost, S., Vargo, K.B., Appavou, M.S., Hammer, D.A., Gradzielski, M. and Chilkoti, A. Noncanonical self-assembly of highly asymmetric genetically encoded polypeptide amphiphiles into cylindrical Micelles. Nano Lett. 14, 6590-6598, doi:10.1021/nl503221p (2014).
Oltra, N.S., Nair, P. and Discher, D.E. From stealthy polymersomes and filomicelles to “self” peptide-nanoparticles for cancer therapy. Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng., Vol 5 5, 281-299, doi:10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-060713-040447 (2014).
Pavone, V., Zhang, S.Q., Merlino, A., Lombardi, A., Wu, Y.B. and DeGrado, W.F. Crystal structure of an amphiphilic foldamer reveals a 48-mer assembly comprising a hollow truncated octahedron. Nat. Commun. 5, 7, doi:10.1038/ncomms4581 (2014).
Qian, X.F., Liu, J.W., Fu, L. and Li, J. Quantum spin Hall effect in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. Science 346, 1344-1347, doi:10.1126/science.1256815 (2014).
Ramakrishnan, N., Kumar, P.B.S. and Radhakrishnan, R. Mesoscale computational studies of membrane bilayer remodeling by curvature-inducing proteins. Phys. Rep.-Rev. Sec. Phys. Lett. 543, 1-60, doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2014.05.001 (2014).
Rogers, W.B. and Crocker, J.C. A tunable line optical tweezers instrument with nanometer spatial resolution. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 5, doi:10.1063/1.4870806 (2014).
Rottler, J., Schoenholz, S.S. and Liu, A.J. Predicting plasticity with soft vibrational modes: From dislocations to glasses. Phys. Rev. E 89, 6, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.89.042304 (2014).
Schoenholz, S.S., Liu, A.J., Riggleman, R.A. and Rottler, J. Understanding plastic deformation in thermal glasses from single-soft-spot dynamics. Phys. Rev. X 4, 11, doi:10.1103/PhysRcvX.4.031014 (2014).
Shavit, A. and Riggleman, R.A. Physical aging, the local dynamics of glass-forming polymers under nanoscale confinement. J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 9096-9103, doi:10.1021/jp502952n (2014).
Shavit, A. and Riggleman, R.A. Strain localization in glassy polymers under cylindrical confinement. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 10301-10309, doi:10.1039/c3cp55330b (2014).
Steinberg, J.A., Young, S.M., Zaheer, S., Kane, C.L., Mele, E.J. and Rappe, A.M. Bulk Dirac points in distorted spinels. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036403/036401-036405, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.036403 (2014).
Stenull, O. and Lubensky, T.C. Penrose tilings as jammed solids. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 5, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.158301 (2014).
Still, T., Goodrich, C.P., Chen, K., Yunker, P.J., Schoenholz, S., Liu, A.J. and Yodh, A.G. Phonon dispersion and elastic moduli of two-dimensional disordered colloidal packings of soft particles with frictional interactions. Phys. Rev. E 89, 012301, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.89.012301 (2014).
Strickland, D.J., Huang, Y.R., Lee, D. and Gianola, D.S. Robust scaling of strength and elastic constants and universal cooperativity in disordered colloidal micropillars. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 18167-18172, doi:10.1073/pnas.1413900111 (2014).
Strickland, D.J., Zhang, L., Huang, Y.R., Magagnosc, D.J., Lee, D. and Gianola, D.S. Synthesis and mechanical response of disordered colloidal micropillars. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 10274-10285, doi:10.1039/c3cp55422h (2014).
Tourdot, R.W., Bradley, R.P., Ramakrishnan, N. and Radhakrishnan, R. Multiscale computational models in physical systems biology of intracellular trafficking. IET Syst. Biol. 8, 198-213, doi:10.1049/iet-syb.2013.0057 (2014).
Tourdot, R.W., Ramakrishnan, N. and Radhakrishnan, R. Defining the free-energy landscape of curvature-inducing proteins on membrane bilayers. Phys. Rev. E 90, 13, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.90.022717 (2014).
Tu, F.Q. and Lee, D. Shape-changing and amphiphilicity-reversing Janus particles with pH-responsive surfactant properties. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 9999-10006, doi:10.1021/ja503189r (2014).
Venta, K.E., Zanjani, M.B., Ye, X., Danda, G., Murray, C.B., Lukes, J.R. and Drndić, M. Gold nanorod translocations and charge measurement through solid-state nanopores. Nano Letters 14, 5358-5364, doi:10.1021/nl502448s (2014).*
Wei, Y. and Durian, D.J. Rain water transport and storage in a model sandy soil with hydrogel particle additives. Eur. Phys. J. E 37, 11, doi:10.1140/epje/i2014-14097-x (2014).
Wei, Y.L., Cejas, C.M., Barrois, R., Dreyfus, R. and Durian, D.J. Morphology of rain water channeling in systematically varied model sandy soils. Phys. Rev. Appl. 2, 12, doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.044004 (2014).
Yunker, P.J., Chen, K., Gratale, M.D., Lohr, M.A., Still, T. and Yodh, A.G. Physics in ordered and disordered colloidal matter composed of poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) microgel particles. Rep. Prog. Phys. 77, 29, doi:10.1088/0034-4885/77/5/056601 (2014).
Zanjani, M.B., Davoyan, A.R., Mahmoud, A.M., Engheta, N. and Lukes, J.R. One-way phonon isolation in acoustic waveguides. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 4, doi:10.1063/1.4866590 (2014).
Zanjani, M.B., Davoyan, A.R., Mahmoud, A.M., Engheta, N. and Lukes, J.R. One-way phonon transport in modulated acoustic waveguides in Eurotherm 103, European Heat Transfer Conference, Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer IV. extended abstract (2014).
Zhang, S., Sun, H.-J., Hughes, A.D., Draghici, B., Lejnieks, J., Leowanawat, P., Bertin, A., Otero De Leon, L., Kulikov, O.V., Chen, Y., Pochan, D.J., Heiney, P.A. and Percec, V. “Single–single” amphiphilic Janus dendrimers self-assemble into uniform dendrimersomes with predictable size. ACS Nano, doi:10.1021/nn405790x (2014).
Zhang, S.D., Moussodia, R.O., Sun, H.J., Leowanawat, P., Muncan, A., Nusbaum, C.D., Chelling, K.M., Heiney, P.A., Klein, M.L., Andre, S., Roy, R., Gabius, H.J. and Percec, V. Mimicking biological membranes with programmable glycan ligands self-assembled from amphiphilic Janus glycodendrimers. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 53, 10899-10903, doi:10.1002/anie.201403186 (2014).
Zhang, S.D., Sun, H.J., Hughes, A.D., Moussodia, R.O., Bertin, A., Chen, Y.C., Pochan, D.J., Heiney, P.A., Klein, M.L. and Percec, V. Self-assembly of amphiphilic Janus dendrimers into uniform onion-like dendrimersomes with predictable size and number of bilayers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 9058-9063, doi:10.1073/pnas.1402858111 (2014).
Zhu, A.Y., Yi, F., Reed, J.C. and Cubukcu, E. Cavity-enhanced mid-infrared absorption in perforated graphene. J. Nanophotonics 8, 9, doi:10.1117/1.jnp.8.083888 (2014).
*acknowledges use of Shared Experimental Facilities
Partial Support, 2014
Angilè, F.E., Vargo, K.B., Sehgal, C.M., Hammer, D.A. and Lee, D. Recombinant protein-stabilized monodisperse microbubbles with tunable size using a valve-based microfluidic device. Langmuir 30, 12610-12618, doi:10.1021/la502610c (2014).
Azoz, S., Exarhos, A.L., Maarquez, A., Gilbertson, L.M., Nejati, S., Cha, J.J., Zimmerman, J.B., Kikkawa, J.M. and Pfefferle, L.D. Highly conductive single-walled carbon nanotube thin films preparation by direct alignment on substrates from water dispersions. Langmuir, doi:10.1021/la503919u (2014).
Brzinski, T.A., Mayor, P. and Durian, D.J. Depth-dependent resistance of granular media to vertical penetration. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 168002, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.168002 (2013); and Brzinski, T.A., Mayor, P. and Durian, D.J. Depth-dependent resistance of granular media to vertical penetration. (Vol. 111, 168002, 2013). Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 1, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.079901 (2014).
Buxboim, A., Swift, J., Irianto, J., Spinler, K.R., Dingal, P., Athirasala, A., Kao, Y.R.C., Cho, S., Harada, T., Shin, J.W. and Discher, D.E. Matrix elasticity regulates Lamin-A,C phosphorylation and turnover with feedback to actomyosin. Curr. Biol. 24, 1909-1917, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.001 (2014).
Cejas, C.M., Wei, Y.L., Barrois, R., Fretigny, C., Durian, D.J. and Dreyfus, R. Kinetics of gravity-driven water channels under steady rainfall. Phys. Rev. E 90, 14, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.90.042205 (2014).
Chaudhri, A. and Lukes, J.R. Energy conserving dissipative particle dynamics for mesoscopic heat transfer simulations in Annu. Rev. Heat Transfer Vol. 17 (ed G. Chen) Ch. 8, 267-302 (Begell House) (2014).
Cho, Y., Shin, J.H., Costa, A., Kim, T.A., Kunin, V., Li, J., Lee, S.Y., Yang, S., Han, H.N., Choi, I.S. and Srolovitz, D.J. Engineering the shape and structure of materials by fractal cut. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 17390-17395, doi:10.1073/pnas.1417276111 (2014).*
Choi, J., Clarke, N., Winey, K.I. and Composto, R.J. Fast polymer diffusion through nanocomposites with anisotropic particles (Cover article). ACS Macro Lett. 3, 886-891, doi:10.1021/mz500344h (2014).
Choi, J., Hore, M.J.A., Clarke, N., Winey, K.I. and Composto, R.J. Nanoparticle brush architecture controls polymer diffusion in nanocomposites. Macromolecules 47, 2404-2410, doi:10.1021/ma500235v (2014).*
Choi, Y., Brugarolas, T., Kang, S.M., Park, B.J., Kim, B.S., Lee, C.S. and Lee, D. Beauty of Lotus is more than skin deep: highly buoyant superhydrophobic films. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6, 7009-7013, doi:10.1021/am5015343 (2014).
Del Campo, C.M., Mishra, A.K., Wang, Y.H., Roy, C.R., Janmey, P.A. and Lambright, D.G. Structural basis for PI(4)P-specific membrane recruitment of the Legionella pneumophila effector DrrA/SidM. Structure 22, 397-408, doi:10.1016/j.str.2013.12.018 (2014).
Dingal, P.C.D.P. and Discher, D.E. Systems mechanobiology: Tension-inhibited protein turnover is sufficient to physically control gene circuits. Biophys. J. 107, 2734-2743, doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2014.10.042 (2014).
Dingal, P.C.D.P. and Discher, D.E. Combining insoluble and soluble factors to steer stem cell fate. Nat. Mater. 13, 532-537, doi:10.1038/nmat3997 (2014).
Dingal, P.C.D.P., Wells, R.G. and Discher, D.E. Simple insoluble cues specify stem cell differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 18104-18105, doi:10.1073/pnas.1421562112 (2014).
Egberts, P., Han, G.H., Liu, X.Z., Johnson, A.T.C. and Carpick, R.W. Frictional behavior of atomically thin sheets: Hexagonal-shaped graphene islands grown on copper by chemical vapor deposition. ACS Nano 8, 5010-5021, doi:10.1021/nn501085g (2014).
Fu, X.W., Su, C., Fu, Q., Zhu, X.L., Zhu, R., Liu, C.P., Liao, Z.M., Xu, J., Guo, W.L., Feng, J., Li, J. and Yu, D.P. Tailoring exciton dynamics by elastic strain- gradient in semiconductors. Adv. Mater. 26, 2572-2579, doi:10.1002/adma.201305058 (2014).
Ge, D.T., Yang, L.L., Wu, G.X. and Yang, S. Angle-independent colours from spray coated quasi-amorphous arrays of nanoparticles: combination of constructive interference and Rayleigh scattering. J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 4395-4400, doi:10.1039/c4tc00063c (2014).*
Ge, D.T., Yang, L.L., Wu, G.X. and Yang, S. Spray coating of superhydrophobic and angle-independent coloured films. Chem. Commun. 50, 2469-2472, doi:10.1039/c3cc48962k (2014).*
Glor, E.C. and Fakhraai, Z. Facilitation of interfacial dynamics in entangled polymer films. J. Chem. Phys. 141, 194505, doi:10.1063/1.4901512 (2014).
Gonzalez, G., Hannigan, B. and DeGrado, W.F. A real-time all-atom structural search engine for proteins. PLoS Comput. Biol. 10, 8, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003750 (2014).
Gosvami, N.N., Nalam, P.C., Exarhos, A.L., Tam, Q., Kikkawa, J.M. and Carpick, R.W. Direct torsional actuation of microcantilevers using magnetic excitation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 093101, doi:10.1063/1.4894737 (2014).
Gramlich, W.M., Holloway, J.L., Rai, R. and Burdick, J.A. Transdermal gelation of methacrylated macromers with near-infrared light and gold nanorods Nanotechnology 25, 014004, doi:10.1088/0957-4484/25/1/014004 (2014).
Hastings, S.P., Swanglap, P., Qian, Z., Fang, Y., Park, S.-J., Link, S., Engheta, N. and Fakhraai, Z. Quadrupole-enhanced Raman scattering. ACS Nano 8, 9025-9034, doi:10.1021/nn5022346 (2014).
Highley, C.B., Rodell, C.B., Kim, I.L., Wade, R.J. and Burdick, J.A. Ordered, adherent layers of nanofibers enabled by supramolecular interactions. J. Mat. Chem. B 2, 8110-8115, doi:10.1039/c4tb00724g (2014).
Hore, M.J.A. and Composto, R.J. Functional polymer nanocomposites enhanced by nanorods. Macromolecules 47, 875-887, doi:10.1021/ma402179w (2014).
Janmey, P.A., Slochower, D.R., Wang, Y.H., Wen, Q. and Cebers, A. Polyelectrolyte properties of filamentous biopolymers and their consequences in biological fluids. Soft Matter 10, 1439-1449, doi:10.1039/c3sm50854d (2014); and Janmey, P.A., Slochower, D.R., Wang, Y.H., Wen, Q. and Cebers, A. Polyelectrolyte properties of filamentous biopolymers and their consequences in biological fluids (vol 10, pg 1439, 2014). Soft Matter 10, 6358-6358 (2014).
Jezorek, R.L., Zhang, N., Leowanawat, P., Bunner, M.H., Gutsche, N., Pesti, A.K., Olsen, J.T. and Percec, V. Air-stable nickel precatalysts for fast and quantitative cross-coupling of aryl sulfamates with aryl neopentylglycolboronates at room temperature. Org. Lett. 16, 6326-6329, doi:10.1021/ol503061c (2014).
Joh, N.H., Wang, T., Bhate, M.P., Acharya, R., Wu, Y.B., Grabe, M., Hong, M., Grigoryan, G. and DeGrado, W.F. De novo design of a transmembrane Zn2+-transporting four-helix bundle. Science 346, 1520-1524, doi:10.1126/science.1261172 (2014).
Kang, S.M., Kumar, A., Choi, C.H., Tettey, K.E., Lee, C.S., Lee, D. and Park, B.J. Triblock cylinders at fluid-fluid interfaces. Langmuir 30, 13199-13204, doi:10.1021/la503733m (2014).
Katsuragi, H. and Durian, D.J. Drag force scaling for penetration into granular media. Phys. Rev. E 87, 5, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.052208 (2013); and Katsuragi, H. and Durian, D.J. Drag force scaling for penetration into granular media (vol 87, 052208, 2013). Phys. Rev. E 89, 1, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.89.019902 (2014).
Kunze, T., Posselt, M., Gemming, S., Seifert, G., Konicek, A., Carpick, R., Pastewka, L. and Moseler, M. Wear, plasticity, and rehybridization in tetrahedral amorphous carbon. Tribol. Lett. 53, 119-126, doi:10.1007/s11249-013-0250-7 (2014).
Lee, E., Zhang, M.L., Cho, Y., Cui, Y., Van der Spiegel, J., Engheta, N. and Yang, S. Tilted pillars on wrinkled elastomers as a reversibly tunable optical window. Adv. Mater. 26, 4127-4133, doi:10.1002/adma.201400711 (2014).*
Lerner, M.B., Matsunaga, F., Han, G.H., Hong, S.J., Xi, J., Crook, A., Perez-Aguilar, J.M., Park, Y.W., Saven, J.G., Liu, R.Y. and Johnson, A.T.C. Scalable production of highly sensitive nanosensors based on graphene functionalized with a designed g protein-coupled receptor. Nano Lett. 14, 2709-2714, doi:10.1021/nl5006349 (2014).
Li, H.Y., Wang, J.S., Liu, M., Wang, H., Su, P.L., Wu, J.S. and Li, J. A nanoporous oxide interlayer makes a better Pt catalyst on a metallic substrate: Nanoflowers on a nanotube bed. Nano Res. 7, 1007-1017, doi:10.1007/s12274-014-0464-5 (2014).
Li, J., Shan, Z.W. and Ma, E. Elastic strain engineering for unprecedented materials properties. MRS Bull. 39, 108-117, doi:10.1557/mrs.2014.3 (2014).
Lin, C.C., Ohno, K., Clarke, N., Winey, K.I. and Composto, R.J. Macromolecular diffusion through a polymer matrix with polymer-grafted chained nanoparticles. Macromolecules 47, 5357-5364, doi:10.1021/ma501113c (2014).
Lin, J.P., Li, X.D., Qiao, G.J., Wang, Z., Carrete, J., Ren, Y., Ma, L.Z., Fei, Y.J., Yang, B.F., Lei, L. and Li, J. Unexpected high-temperature stability of b-Zn4Sb3 opens the door to enhanced thermoelectric performance. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 1497-1504, doi:10.1021/ja410605f (2014).*
Liu, B.Y., Wang, J., Li, B., Lu, L., Zhang, X.Y., Shan, Z.W., Li, J., Jia, C.L., Sun, J. and Ma, E. Twinning-like lattice reorientation without a crystallographic twinning plane. Nat. Commun. 5, 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms4297 (2014).
Liu, J., Ayyaswamy, P.S., Eckmann, D.M. and Radhakrishnan, R. Modelling of binding free energy of targeted nanocarriers to cell surface. Heat Mass Transfer 50, 315-321, doi:10.1007/s00231-013-1274-0 (2014).
Liu, L.F., Ding, X.D., Li, J., Lookman, T. and Sun, J. Direct observation of hierarchical nucleation of martensite and size-dependent superelasticity in shape memory alloys. Nanoscale 6, 2067-2072, doi:10.1039/c3nr05258c (2014).
Liu, X.Z., Li, Q.Y., Egberts, P. and Carpick, R.W. Nanoscale adhesive properties of graphene: The rffect of sliding history. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 1, 9, doi:10.1002/admi.201300053 (2014).
Lynch, J., Kotiuga, M., Doan-Nguyen, V.V.T., Queen, W.L., Forster, J.D., Schlitz, R.A., Murray, C.B., Neaton, J.B., Chabinyc, M.L. and Urban, J.J. Ligand coupling symmetry correlates with thermopower enhancement in small-molecule/nanocrystal hybrid materials. ACS Nano 8, 10528-10536, doi:10.1021/nn503972v (2014).
Molnar, K.S., Bonomi, M., Pellarin, R., Clinthorne, G.D., Gonzalez, G., Goldberg, S.D., Goulian, M., Sali, A. and DeGrado, W.F. Cys-scanning disulfide cross linking and Bayesian modeling probe the transmembrane signaling mechanism of the histidine kinase, PhoQ. Structure 22, 1239-1251, doi:10.1016/j.str.2014.04.019 (2014).
Montalvo, G.L., Zhang, Y., Young, T.M., Costanzo, M.J., Freeman, K.B., Wang, J., Clements, D.J., Magavern, E., Kavash, R.W., Scott, R.W., Liu, D.H. and DeGrado, W.F. De Novo design of self-assembling foldamers that inhibit heparin-protein interactions. ACS Chem. Biol. 9, 967-975, doi:10.1021/cb500026x (2014).
Murphy, K.F., Piccione, B., Zanjani, M.B., Lukes, J.R. and Gianola, D.S. Strain- and defect-mediated thermal conductivity in silicon nanowires. Nano Lett. 14, 3785-3792, doi:10.1021/nl500840d (2014).
Niu, J.J., Kushima, A., Qian, X.F., Qi, L., Xiang, K., Chiang, Y.M. and Li, J. In Situ observation of random solid solution zone in LiFePO4 electrode. Nano Lett. 14, 4005-4010, doi:10.1021/nl501415b (2014).
Norton, M.M., Brugarolas, T., Chou, J., Lee, D. and Bau, H.H. Ellipsoidal particles encapsulated in droplets. Soft Matter 10, 4840-4847, doi:10.1039/c4sm00302k (2014).
Nukala, P., Agarwal, R., Qian, X.F., Jang, M.H., Dhara, S., Kumar, K., Johnson, A.T.C., Li, J. and Agarwal, R. Direct observation of metal-insulator transition in single-crystalline germanium telluride nanowire memory devices prior to amorphization. Nano Lett. 14, 2201-2209, doi:10.1021/nl5007036 (2014).*
Oh, S.J., Berry, N.E., Choi, J.H., Gaulding, E.A., Lin, H.F., Paik, T., Diroll, B.T., Muramoto, S., Murray, C.B. and Kagan, C.R. Designing high-performance PbS and PbSe nanocrystal electronic devices through stepwise, post-synthesis, colloidal atomic layer deposition. Nano Letters 14, 1559-1566, doi:10.1021/nl404818z (2014).*
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*acknowledges use of Shared Experimental Facilities
Shared Experimental Facilities, 2014
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