Applications for the 2025 cohort are now being accepted.
click for Application (preferred)
A program for Research Experience for Teachers from schools in the Delaware Valley was started in 1999. Teachers spend 6 weeks working with a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of an LRSM-associated faculty member, helping that research group translate their work into understandable concepts for younger audiences.
Research Experience for Teachers 2025
With support from the National Science Foundation, this program seeks up to five middle or high school science teachers from the greater Philadelphia region (within a daily commuting distance). The teachers will undertake a research program for six weeks from June 16 through July 25, 2025. Each teacher will be assigned to a senior investigator within the PENN MRSEC and paired with a mentor (typically a graduate student or post-doc). Each teacher will work to help that research group translate their work into understandable concepts for younger audiences through a demo and/or hands-on activity (something you all do normally!). Teachers will also participate in seminars on materials science, academic research skills, and tools and techniques for incorporating materials science and engineering into their classroom.
All STEM teachers are welcome to apply! The program is in person though so you must be within daily commuting distance of Penn. Application to the program is available through the link below. We will provide a stipend of $6,000.
The review team will begin to make decisions on April 1st, 2025 so submit your application before if possible. Applications submitted after this date will still be accepted and considered if there are spots left.
more information:
Mark Licurse, Director of Education
Tel. (215) 898-2898
Ashley Wallace, Associate Director of Student Access & Engagement
Tel. (215) 898-3446
Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
University of Pennsylvania
3231 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6202
Fax (215) 898-8296