Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future

March 25, 2025
Stoney's British Pub

3007 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE

Alexander Ng / Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future Alexander Ng
Hydropore Technologies
Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future

Over 150 years ago, the science fiction author Jules Verne suggested that water and the hydrogen (H2) contained within it, would one day replace coal as the world’s inexhaustible power source. Today, H2 is recognized as a clean energy carrier with high gravimetric energy density (4x that of coal). But, one and a half centuries after Jules Verne’s grand vision, the broad adoption of clean H2 remains limited, partly due to the challenges of storing and moving H2 gas. However, there are companies that are working to overcome these challenges that hinder Jules Verne’s vision from becoming a reality. In this Science Café, we will look into the promise of hydrogen as a fuel, discuss its challenges and advantages, and get a glimpse of the players in the market who are working to make hydrogen the fuel of the future.