The Penn MRSEC hosted a one-and-a-half-day meeting of 27 MRSEC education directors and their staff from 20 (of 21) NSF-supported MRSECs across the USA. The program was organized by Nevjinder Singhota, Cornell, the organization chair, and was held here at the LRSM on November 3rd & 4th. Each center in attendance presented an outreach program to share with the group, covering all segments of the population from K-12, teachers, undergraduates, graduate students & postdocs, faculty, and the general public. Additional presentations were made by Dr. Dan Finotello, NSF-DMR Director of the MRSEC program
, Professor Daniel Mindiola, Presidential Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Kathleen Mulligan, Ithaca College, who led the group in a session to improve their vocalization and speech. In addition, the group broke out into four committees that discussed progress in Diversity, Assessment of Impact, Compiling of Resources, and Communication & Coordination, and reported back to the whole group at the end of the meeting. Kristin Dreyer, Penn State, and Michelle McCombs, Ohio State, will co-chair the next meeting in 2017, tentatively arranged for the new NSF complex in Alexandria, VA.