LRSM graduate students, post-docs, and faculty hosted interactive exhibits at the Philadelphia Science Festival’s Science Carnival, on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway on Saturday, April 28, 2018. This free, final event of the festival, engaged people of all ages about fields of science. This year, the LRSM sponsored two interactive exhibits at the Science Carnival: “How does levitation work?” run by the Yodh soft matter group, and “Can you move a train with magnets?” run by the Jariwala group from electrical engineering (see full list of volunteers below). The LRSM has participated in the Science Festival since 2011, its inaugural year. Literally tens of thousands of interested people attended the all-day Carnival.
“Can you move a train with magnets?”
Ravindra Saxena (Masters student, Nanotechnology)
Stefano Roccasecca (Undergraduate student, Physics)
Akshaya Venkatakrishnan (Masters student, Nanotechnology)
Deep Jariwala (Professor, ESE)
“How does levitation work?”
Sophie Ettinger (PhD student, Physics)
Analisa Hill (PhD student, Physics)
Chandan Kumar Mishra (Post doc, Physics)
Alexis de la Cotte (Post doc, Physics)
Xiaoguang Ma (Post doc, Physics)
Arjun Yodh (Professor, Physics)